Financial Statements & Reporting

In an attempt to be as transparent to the public as possible, the Corporate Services department provides multiple reports to keep our ratepayers informed of where their tax dollars are being spent. This includes financial reports such as the County’s annual financial reports, the annual financial statements, and the operating and capital reports.

Interactive Online Dashboards

The County has developed Online Dashboards for an interactive review of the County’s financial and other information. These Dashboards allow individuals to click on the specific information within the dashboard and the report will be adjusted to focus in on the selected information.

Financial Reporting Dashboard

The County has developed Financial Reporting Dashboards which provided the last couple years of the County’s fiscal yearend and quarterly financial reporting. Please use the drop down menu options to change between the different reporting periods. Click on the following link to access the County’s Financial Reporting Dashboard:

Financial Reporting Dashboard

Performance Measures Dashboard

The County has developed Performance Measures Dashboards which provided multiple types of performance measures for the County and how the County compares to Provincial and other comparative data. Click on the following link to access the County’s Performance Measures Dashboard:

Performance Measures Dashboard

2023 Annual Financial Dashboard

The County has developed an Annual Financial Reporting Dashboards which provided an interactive review of the Financial Statements and the related financial reporting. Click on the following link to access the County’s 2023 Annual Financial Dashboard:

2023 Annual Financial Dashboard


The County has received both the Canadian Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting (CAnFR Program) and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) International. These award programs recognize excellence in financial and budget reporting. The following reports include the most current comprehensive annual financial and budget reporting.

The 2023 Annual Financial Report is our most current comprehensive financial reporting for the County. This report has received the Canadian Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting (CAnFR) for excellence in our financial reporting from GFOA International.

The 2024 Annual Budget Report is our most current comprehensive budget reporting for the County. This report has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for excellence in our budget reporting from GFOA International.

Budget and Financial Information

2025 Financial Information

Budget Reports:

Financial Statements and Reports:

  • None at this time

For additional Financial Statements and Reporting, please see our Document Centre or Archived Reports for previous year information.