
If the development you are pursuing is not listed as a permitted or discretionary use, then rezoning to a different Land Use Designation may be necessary.

The fee for a rezone application is $1,000.00 (Fees for Service Bylaw) and an application form can be found here.

Once we have received the application and fee, a draft bylaw will be created and will need to receive first reading by council members. If it receives first reading, then a date will be set for a Public Hearing. Adjacent Landowners and relevant agencies will be notified of the proposed change and ads will be placed in the local newspaper and will run a minimum of two consecutive weeks.

At the Public Hearing, council will invite members of the public to speak, and express their support and/or their concerns regarding the Land Use Bylaw change and its potential effects on the area.

Once everyone has had a chance to speak, Council will have the opportunity to give the application second and third readings. If it passes both second and third reading then the rezone is passed and the Land Use Bylaw will be updated as needed. From there an application for Development Permit may be submitted for the desired use.

For more information, please feel free to contact the Development Department at (403)485-2241.