Council is comprised of seven councillors representing divisions throughout Vulcan County. The Reeve is elected amongst councillors every year during the County’s Organizational Meeting. Municipal elections are conducted on a four-year cycle and the next election will be held in October 2025.
Council is responsible for:
- determining goals and priorities through strategic planning,
- developing and approving policies, bylaws, and major projects,
- planning and providing services and programs,
- setting the tax rate,
- approving budgets and funding for community groups.
The Municipal Government Act provides the framework for how your local government operates, governs and plans for growth.
Coffee with Council
Council is pleased to introduce Coffee with Council, which will be held in areas throughout Vulcan County. This will give residents and landowners the opportunity to informally connect with their area councillor.
Next Coffee with Council: Milo – October 30, 2024, 6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m. Join Councillor Kelly Nelson, our Reeve, and CAO at the Milo Community Hall to informally discuss ideas, questions, and concerns.
Councillor Reports
Councillor Reports provide detail on matters such as:
- what is going on in the councillor’s division
- information about boards they sit on and conferences they attend
- any other matter they are concerned with
Reports can be viewed by clicking below: