Rural Addressing
Rural Addressing is a standardized system of identifying and locating rural properties. This system will aid emergency response personnel, utility companies, couriers, and other visitors in finding your residence quicker.
Any new dwellings or businesses will require the owner or developer to purchase a Rural Addressing sign from the County as part of the development process. When you have your new rural address in place, memorize it! Your Rural Address is primarily for emergency response. If you ever need to call 911, you can give the 911 dispatcher this address. We recommend posting your Rural Address near every phone in your house. Also be sure to educate your children as to what your Rural Address is, what it is for, and how it should be used in the event of an emergency.
To apply for a new rural address sign, the form can be found here.
Submit forms to Vulcan County by email, by mail to PO Box 180, Vulcan AB,
by fax at (403)485-2920 or in person at the Administration Office,
102 Centre St, Vulcan AB.